The AIILSG provides support to Urban Local Bodies (ULB) across India by contributing to the principles of urban governance, education, research and capacity building. The organization is involved in preparing City Sanitation Plans (in accordance with the National Urban Sanitation Policy) with an aim to be an inclusive, comprehensive and participative plan providing complete access to safe and hygienic sanitation to the entire population of the city.
Administrative Staff College of India
Administrative Staff College of India, a premiere capacity building institution, provides training in the Civil Services department. ASCI’s Centre for Environment, Urban Governance & Infrastructure Development (CEUG&ID) focuses on urban governance, capacity building, and assistance with Indian government programmes aimed at improving urban service delivery brings in their technical expertise in Water and Sanitation.
Athena Infonomics
Athena Infonomics is a global consultancy envisioning a world where evidence-based strategies drive sustainable development. Their expertise lies in harnessing data for informed decision-making in sectors like development, finance, and governance. They advocate for innovative data-driven approaches to waste management and sustainability.
BBC Media Action, formerly known as the BBC World Service Trust, is the BBC's international development charity. The purpose of the organisation is to use media and communication to reduce poverty, improve health and support people in understanding their rights.
The Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
BORDA, a global sanitation NGO, empowers communities with sustainable sanitation. Their work is towards creating ‘Liveable cities for all.’ With expertise in small-scale, biological systems, they work in over 25 countries to improve sanitation. BORDA brings together diverse stakeholders like local and national governments, civil societies, private partners, donors for efficient water, sanitation, and energy services.
CDD India
CDD India envisions inclusive development through community-driven approaches. With expertise in participatory methods, they aim to empower marginalised communities in various thematic areas including water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Their scope spans research, capacity building, and advocacy..
Centre for Advocacy and Research
CFAR envisions equitable access to Climate-Resilitent WASH services for all. With expertise in community engagement and research, they aim to implement sustainable WASH solutions. Their scope includes capacity building, technology adoption, and policy advocacy.
Centre for Science and Environment
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) envisions sustainable development. They research, advocate for, and implement solutions for environmental issues like air & water pollution and sanitation. With expertise in policy analysis and public interest research, CSE operates across India. Their work includes water & sanitation toolkits, policy advocacy, and promoting sustainable practices.
Centre for Water and Sanitation
Centre for Water and Sanitation, affiliated with CRDF, CEPT University focuses on improving water and sanitation services in India through data monitoring, capacity building, action-research, and policy advocacy.
Dasra is a strategic philanthropy foundation that accelerates social change by driving collaborative action through powerful partnerships among a trust-based network of Stakeholders. Dasra currently steers engagements within the WASH ecosystem in its capacity as Secretariat for the NFSSM Alliance.
Ecosan Services Foundation
Ecosan Services Foundation has expertise in designing and implementing eco-friendly sanitation solutions. With expertise in ecological sanitation, they offer innovative washroom services that prioritise resource recovery and environmental stewardship.
eGov uses digital tools to improve public services in India. Their mission is to empower citizens by making government services accessible, affordable, and inclusive. Their expertise lies in creating open digital platforms for urban governance, sanitation, and finance.
Ernst & Young
EY is a multinational consulting firm that provides insights and services across various sectors to build trust and confidence in economies, governments and markets. EY supports various state governments in India to develop sustainable delivery frameworks and streamline operations in sanitation and other public services.
Freshwater Action Network South Asia
FANSA has been incorporated as a semi-formal network of organizations active in the WASH sector in South Asia, and within that, India. The organization’s mission is to support civil society organizations for their meaningful engagement in WASH advocacy to enhance and ensure inclusive, equitable and climate resilient WASH facilities and services for all, especially key vulnerable populations.
Gates Foundation
The Gates Foundation's Water, Sanitation & Hygiene program focuses on reinventing sanitation globally. Their vision is safe sanitation for all, achieved through developing new technologies, transforming city services, advocating for policy changes, and sharing knowledge, with a focus on sanitation innovation and market creation.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
GIZ works towards fostering international cooperation for sustainable development in areas of education, livelihoods, energy, environment, peace and security. With sanitation as one of the focus areas, GIZ works for the development of clean, inclusive and resilient urban areas.
Global Water & Sanitation Center – AIT
GWSC aims to accelerate access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene for all in Asia by assembling a catalytic platform of experts, innovations and funding to tackle challenges in the sector. SCI-AI, a project under the center looks towards scaling city institutions for Asia and india.
Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) is a leading academic institution focusing on urban research, education, and practice in India. IIHS specialises in interdisciplinary approaches to urban challenges, including planning, governance, housing, and sustainability
Indian Institute of Technology - Madras (Environmental Engineering Group)
The Indian Institute of Technology - Madras is globally renowned for its technical education, basic and applied research, innovation, entrepreneurship and industrial consultancy. IIT Madras has incubated technologies to eliminate manual scavenging and promote safe and inclusive sanitation.
Innpact Solutions
Innpact Solutions offers innovation for meaningful impact across the development sector. The organization has led the development of a geospatial framework for CWIS planning in the South Asian context, and provides consultancy services in four domains, viz. WSH, tourism planning, data science with GIS and climate change adaptation.
Intellecap is an advisory firm working to build businesses that can benefit the underserved segments across Asia and Africa, with an aim to make markets equitable and inclusive. Intellecap promotes critical discourse to build an action-oriented roadmap for catalysing private sector-led delivery models to address the challenges in access to drinking water and safe sanitation.
India Sanitation Coalition
The India Sanitation Coalition (ISC) aims to drive collective action in sanitation for all in India. With expertise in advocacy, policy dialogue, and partnership building, ISC works across sectors to promote sustainable sanitation solutions. Their expertise includes capacity building, research, and facilitating collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
International Water Association (IWA)
International Water Association (IWA) IWA develops research and projects focused on solutions for water and wastewater management by creating an open platform for innovators and adopters of new technology and approaches.
International Water Management Institute
IWMI responds directly to the demand for innovative and scientifically tested water management solutions for sustainable development. The institution spearheads research studies in the domain of sustainable sanitation, with a focus on reuse and circularity
Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy
Janaagraha works towards building robust and sustainable city-systems by adopting a multi-stakeholder approach that engages governments, civic officials and citizens. Through their research insights and innovative technology solutions, Janaagraha aims to empower citizens and governments to build a cleaner, healthier India.
Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler
KPMG is the Project Management Unit of the Alliance and they work directly with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and share upcoming priorities and objectives between the Alliance and the Ministry and act as a bridge between the two.
National Institute of Urban Affairs
National Institute of Urban Affairs is a leading urban planning think tank, specialising in research, training, disseminating information, and developing innovative solutions for India's rapid urbanisation, with an aim to create inclusive and sustainable cities for the future.
Population Services International - India
PSI is a network of locally rooted, globally connected organizations working to achieve people-centred healthcare systems that ensure quality and affordable care wherever needed. PSI collaborates with local communities, governments and private sector partners to create sustainable WASH market systems with accessible and affordable solutions.
Research Triangle Institute
RTI works to impact people’s well-being through partnerships built with communities and research & policy. RTI conducts research & development and provides technical assistance for projects in sanitation, maternal and child health, gender equity, noncommunicable diseases, sustainable energy and climate change.
Small Scale Sustainable Infrastructure Development Fund
The S3IDF looks at building a more socially and financially inclusive economy by providing marginalised entrepreneurs with financial, technical and training services.
Samhita is an impact catalyst that works with the private, public, philanthropy and social sectors with an aim to positively impact 10 million people, by co-creating measurable, scalable and sustainable solutions.
Sigma Foundation is committed to promoting sustainable development by addressing critical challenges in urban and rural infrastructure. They specialise in solid and liquid waste management, working on innovative solutions to improve sanitation and waste disposal systems through guidelines, DPRs and frameworks.
Urban Management Centre
The Urban Management Centre (UMC)’s vision is to provide sustainable solutions for local governments, improving citizens' quality of life. They assist state and local governments in India with implementing urban management. Their expertise lies in capacity building, training, and creating practical solutions. UMC is focused on aiding local governments in implementation of inclusive sanitation.
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. The organization works to provide access to clean water, reliable sanitation and promote basic hygiene practices by empowering communities, supporting schools, humanitarian actions and focus on partnerships and sustainability.
US Agency for International Development
USAID aims to create healthier urban communities and improve livelihoods by increasing access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. USAID partners to improve public sanitation services, train skilled professionals on septage management, and increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation services to India’s poor and underserved communities.
The Viega Foundation focuses on projects in the field of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). India is actively working to improve the sanitation and water supply of its population. The Foundation supports this process by offering innovative technologies, comprehensive solutions and partnership-based advice at eye level.
WASH Institute
The WASH Institute empowers communities with training to solve water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges. Their expertise lies in technical assistance to the government, research & development, capacity building, innovation in sanitation and grassroots implementation. WASH Institute drives research and innovation in the sanitation sector.
WaterAid India strives for universal access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. They work with communities throughout India, utilising their expertise in capacity building, community development and policy advocacy. They empower communities to break the cycle of poverty through improved sanitation solutions.
The World Bank Group
The World Bank Group engages in every major area of development, providing a wide array of financial products and technical assistance to resolve challenges faced globally. The organization helps countries address sanitation challenges - ending open defecation, improving service delivery and closing the loop from access to sanitation facilities to sustainable management of wastewater.